Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Corporate Sponsorship

We were excited to have our first Corporate Sponsorship meeting a few weeks ago. We worked on tweaking runner level benefits, discussing proposed sponsor benefits, developed basic wish list for in-kind donations and discussed a plan for a brochure.

Our first stab at a wish list includes:

- food donations for before and after the marathon;
Power Bars,

- t-shirt sponsors

- porta-potty sponsor

- printing services

- cash donations from corporate sponsors!

Here's where you come in! If you have a contact for any of the items above, wish to solicit items on behalf of Team Sadie, think your business or one of the places you frequent would like to be a sponsor please let us know!

This is our first year for Corporate Sponsorship, we are looking for everyone's help to develop a list of people or business who might be interested in supporting Team Sadie. Please email (rives@comcast.net) or call us (410-869-8370) with your leads or contacts or let us know what you are able to solicit.


Colleen and Jeff, Sponsorship

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